Monday, November 07, 2005

Jeffrey Steele and Katie Rae Davis, "Silver Wings", Saturday November 5, 2005.

Jeffrey Steele, Saturday November 5, 2005.

Jeffrey Steele Closes 2005 Season

Well, we did it. We closed the 2005 season of The Weisman Center Presents...Words and Voices in style. Katie Rae Davis of Carthage opened the show, and we expect her to return one of these days as the headliner!

Even after dealing with lost luggage at the Shreveport airport, Jeffrey Steele entertained one of the largest crowds ever on Saturday night for more than three hours. The music, as always, was enchanting, and the crowd, well, captivated.

Recently named the Nashville Songwriters Association International's Songwriter of the Year for 2005, Jeffrey played song after song, while sharing the stories behind the ideas and the creation of each one.

We hope to see you all in 2006, and here are the scheduled dates for the Words and Voices series:

January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
October 14
November 11